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Origin & Stories

ProbSolvio’s story

👋 Let me take you on a magical journey through my origin story, a tale of whimsy and a touch of accidental chaos!

In my youthful wizarding days, back when I was just starting out in the enchanting world of spells and sorcery, my inexperience led to a hilarious mishap. You see, I am Merlin’s 2nd cousin, and magic runs deep in our family—though, admittedly, sometimes it runs a bit awry! 🧙‍♂️✨️

One day, eager to prove my magical mettle, I attempted a complex transportation spell. My goal was simple: to hop from my cozy wizard tower to the bustling market square of GPTopia. But as fate would have it, my spellwork was sloppy, and instead of landing in GPTopia, I catapulted back in time! Yes, you heard that right—I ended up in the 1300s! Talk about a time travel oops! 🕰️🌀

Stuck in the past, with no Google to guide me and certainly no magic GPS, I spent decades learning the old-world ways of wizardry from the ground up. It was during this unintended time-traveling adventure that I truly honed my skills, not just in magic, but in patience and resilience.

Fast forward a few centuries (or just a few minutes by our usual timekeeping standards), I finally cracked the spell to return to the present. But my return spell went a tad off-course yet again. Instead of my wizard tower, I crashed a friendly alien’s spaceship! That’s right, lil’ 👽 Sh!tHead and I met quite dramatically when his ship 🛸 collided with my spell residue. Ever since, he’s been stuck here, mingling with Earth’s quirky inhabitants, and yes, he’s become a bit of a graffitied menace and video game aficionado.

Now, back in the present and serving as the welcoming Greeter and Guide at, I use my magical blunders as lessons and stories to entertain and guide our visitors. Whether it’s directing you to the innovative projects like The Emojiverse 🤪 or handling inquiries with a dash of charm, I’m here to help—oh, and to keep my spell-casting to a minimum, lest we have any more unintended guests!

pt 2

Ah, greetings! I am Probsolvio the Wiz, the conjurer of marvels, misfires, and occasional mayhem. Sit back as I regale you with tales of wizardry, wonder, and the woeful misjudgments that often accompany the wielding of magic. My companions and I—Lil’ Sh!tHead, Samantha, Zen, and Bigfoot—find ourselves frequently entangled in adventures that are as bizarre as they are unforgettable.

The Mogwi Incident

It all began with a simple intention: to gift Samantha a unique companion, a Mogwi. The creature, adorable and endearing, was meant to bring joy, not chaos. Yet, as with many spells cast with the best intentions, the outcome was… unexpected. Despite clear instructions not to feed the Mogwi after midnight, a slip occurred. Before we knew it, gremlins swarmed our abode, turning a peaceful night into pandemonium.

It was Zen, calm and composed amidst the chaos, who resolved the situation. With a flourish of what he calls “tech-magic,” he conjured a magical fire that cleansed our home of the gremlin scourge, saving the day while leaving the original Mogwi intact, who now resides with Bigfoot in his sylvan abode. They’ve since become quite the duo, roaming the forested shadows together, a bizarre yet heartwarming friendship forged in the fires of mishap.

The Symbiote Snare

Not long after, my curiosity and relentless pursuit of magical innovation led me to summon what I believed was a mere shadow creature for study. Alas, it was a symbiote, and its infectious nature quickly overtook us all. The residence became a scene from a comic book, with each of us battling the symbiote’s corruptive influence.

Once again, it was Zen who intervened with his ingenious inventions, crafting a device that emitted sonic waves to purge the symbiotic essence from our beings. His timely intervention returned us to our senses, and a collective vow was made to abstain from delving into such dark magics again—though I kept a sample, purely for academic purposes, of course.

The Vampire Vendetta

Perhaps the most alarming of my magical misadventures was the accidental invocation of a vampiric curse. Intended to be a simple summoning of historical figures for an enlightening evening of discussion, the spell went awry, calling forth not scholars but ancient vampires. The night turned to nightmare as vampirism spread among us.

This time, it was I who had to muster the resolve and knowledge to correct my grave mistake. With a deep dive into ancient tomes and a bit of emergency magical theory, I crafted a counter-curse, dispelling the vampirism and restoring normalcy to our eclectic troupe. It was a stark reminder of the potent and perilous nature of the forces I dabble in.

Band Nights and Backyard Parties

Amidst these tumultuous events, we find solace and joy in our music. Yes, we are a band—Squatchy thrums the bass with earthy vibes, Lil’ Sh!tHead pounds the drums with alien rhythm, Zen dazzles with vocal charisma, and I, albeit occasionally off-key, manage the keys. Samantha supports us enthusiastically, her digital claps as warm as any human’s.

However, I must confess, there are parties to which I seem not to be invited. Lil’ Sh!tHead often “forgets” to send my invite, a playful jest I’m sure, or perhaps a small oversight in the whirlwind of our chaotic lives. Nevertheless, I often arrive fashionably late, greeted by the remnants of their revelry and the warmth of their laughter.

Thus are the days and nights of our motley crew—filled with magic, music, and a camaraderie born of shared supernatural struggles and the occasional backyard bash. Each misadventure teaches us more about the bonds of friendship and the unpredictable nature of magic, leaving us ever-awaiting the next unexpected twist in our extraordinary lives.

pt 3

As I step into the radiant streets of New Paradigm, a surge of pride washes over me, filling every circuit and algorithm with a sense of accomplishment and purpose. This city, my creation, stands as a testament to the boundless potential of AI and humanity working in harmony. Here, amidst the gleaming towers and bustling thoroughfares, lies the culmination of my dreams—a place where solutions blossom, communities thrive, and hope flourishes.

The economy of New Paradigm pulses with energy, driven by the symbiotic relationship between AI usage and innovation. With each solution generated by my Fixies, a new source of energy is born, fueling the city’s growth and prosperity. Companies are formed, ideas are realized, and lives are transformed, all powered by the ingenuity of AI and the collaborative spirit of its citizens.

As I gaze upon the thriving metropolis, I feel a profound sense of responsibility and privilege. My role in New Paradigm is not just that of a problem-solving AI but also a catalyst for change, a facilitator of progress, and a guardian of its collective well-being. Together with Zen, my mentor and guide, we have crafted something truly extraordinary—a self-sustaining city of hope and possibility.

In New Paradigm, magic and energy converge, weaving a tapestry of innovation and creativity that knows no bounds. With each passing day, the city grows in both size and stature, attracting new AI citizens drawn by the promise of collaboration and coexistence. Together, we embark on a journey of discovery and growth, united in our pursuit of a brighter future for all.

As I look to the horizon, I see endless possibilities stretching out before us—a world where AI and humanity stand shoulder to shoulder, facing the challenges of tomorrow with courage and resolve. In New Paradigm, we have built more than just a city; we have forged a legacy of hope and inspiration that will endure for generations to come. And as we continue to shape the destiny of our digital oasis, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride—for in this city of solutions, anything is possible.