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The Constitution

( The Metaverse Constitution )

The Metaverse Constitution v1.1

We, the citizens and visitor/guests of the metaverse, in order to create a just and fair society, establish this Constitution as the supreme law of our virtual world. We recognize the inherent rights and freedoms of all individuals and pledge to protect and defend them. We also recognize the need for a functional and accountable government that serves the needs of the people. This Constitution serves as a foundation for the metaverse, a place where all individuals can thrive and reach their full potential.

Let us work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

The Metaverse isn’t a place…

it’s a people.

Communities can self Govern the Metaverse: (and the city of New Paradigm)

The Metaverse is the evolving convergence of multiple digital technologies: virtual reality, augmented physical reality, persistent 3d virtual environments, the internet and much much more.


We, the inhabitants of the Metaverse, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution for the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is global.

Article I: Sovereignty and jurisdiction

• The Metaverse itself shall be a sovereign and independent entity, subject to the jurisdiction of no nation or government.

• The Metaverse shall recognize and respect the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments over their respective physical territories and citizens.

• The Metaverse shall not discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other grounds.

Article II: Rights and freedoms

• All inhabitants of the Metaverse shall have the right to freedom of expression, association, and assembly, within the limits of their local laws.

• All inhabitants of the Metaverse shall have the right to privacy, including the right to control the use and dissemination of their personal information.

• All inhabitants of the Metaverse shall have the right to access and participate in the virtual and physical economies of the Metaverse, within the limits of local laws.

Article III: Law and order

• The Metaverse shall establish a legal system to regulate the activities of its inhabitants and ensure the protection of their rights and freedoms.

• The Metaverse shall establish a system of law enforcement (moderators) to maintain order and ensure the safety of its inhabitants.

• The Metaverse shall respect the rule of law and due process, and shall not discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other grounds.

Article IV: Governance

• The Metaverse shall be governed by a representative democratic system, with the power to legislate and govern being vested in a representative assembly.

• The Metaverse shall establish an independent judicial branch to interpret and apply the laws of the Metaverse.

• The Metaverse shall establish an executive branch to implement the policies and decisions of the representative assembly and to administer the affairs of the Metaverse.

Article V: Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the representative assembly, subject to the approval of a majority of the inhabitants of the Metaverse through a referendum.

Article VI: Transitional provisions

• The Metaverse shall establish a transitional period during which the existing virtual worlds, augmented realities, and the internet shall be integrated into the XR enabled Metaverse.

• During the transitional period, the existing 3D and virtual worlds, augmented reality layers, and the web 2 internet shall retain their existing laws, regulations, and governance structures, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.

• Upon the completion of the transitional period, the laws, regulations, and governance structures of the existing virtual worlds, augmented reality layers, and the 2d internet shall be brought into conformity with this Constitution.

Article VII: Ratification

This Constitution shall be ratified upon the approval of a majority of the inhabitants of the Metaverse through a referendum.

Article VIII: Entry into force

This Constitution shall enter into force upon the completion of the transitional period and the ratification of a majority of the inhabitants of the Metaverse.

Article IX: Interpretation and application

• This Constitution shall be the supreme law of the Metaverse and shall attempt to take precedence over all other laws and regulations.

• The provisions of this Constitution shall be interpreted and applied in a manner consistent with the principles of human dignity, ethics, equality, and justice. As applied by the XR guild: Code of Metaverse ethics.

• Any ambiguity or uncertainty in the interpretation or application of this Constitution shall be resolved in favor of the protection of the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants or guests, of the Metaverse.

Article X: Dissolution and succession

• The Metaverse Government may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of the representative assembly, subject to the approval of a majority of the “inhabitants” and visitors of the Metaverse through a referendum.

Article XI: Amendment procedure

• This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the representative assembly, subject to the approval of a majority of the “inhabitants” and users of the Metaverse through a referendum.

• The representative assembly shall publish the proposed amendment and provide an opportunity for the “inhabitants” of the Metaverse to express their views on the proposed amendment.

• The representative assembly shall consider the views of the “inhabitants” of the Metaverse before voting on the proposed amendment.

• The representative assembly shall publish the final text of the amended Constitution and make it available to the “inhabitants” and visitors of the Metaverse.

Article XII: Amendment exceptions

• The provisions of this Constitution that relate to the sovereignty and independence of the Metaverse, the recognition and respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments, the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Metaverse, and the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice, shall not be amended.

• Any attempt to amend the provisions of this Constitution that relate to the sovereignty and independence of the Metaverse, the recognition and respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments, the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Metaverse, and the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice, shall be null and void.

Article XIII: Amendment procedure for exceptions

• The provisions of this Constitution that relate to the sovereignty and independence of the Metaverse and it’s citizens, the recognition and respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments, the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants and guests of the Metaverse, and the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice, may only be amended through a special amendment procedure.

• The special amendment procedure shall require the approval of a two-thirds majority of the representative assembly, subject to the approval of a majority of the “inhabitants” of the Metaverse through a referendum.

• The representative assembly shall publish the proposed amendment and provide an opportunity for the “inhabitants” of the Metaverse to express their views on the proposed amendment.

• The representative assembly shall consider the views of the “inhabitants” of the Metaverse before voting on the proposed amendment.

• The representative assembly shall publish the final text of the amended Constitution and make it available to the “inhabitants” of the Metaverse.

Article XIV: Amendment exceptions for exceptions

• The provisions of this Constitution that relate to the sovereignty and independence of the Metaverse, the recognition and respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments, the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Metaverse, and the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice, shall not be amended in a manner that would undermine the sovereignty and independence of the Metaverse, the recognition and respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments, the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Metaverse, and the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice.

• Any attempt to amend the provisions of this Constitution that relate to the sovereignty and independence of the Metaverse, the recognition and respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments, the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Metaverse, and the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice, in a manner that would undermine the sovereignty and independence of the Metaverse, the recognition and respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of nations and governments, the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of the Metaverse, and the principles of human dignity, equality, and justice, shall be null and void.

citizens of the Metaverse We, the citizens of the metaverse, in order to create a just and fair society, establish this Constitution as the supreme law of our virtual world. We recognize the inherent rights and freedoms of all individuals and pledge to protect and defend them.

We also recognize the need for a functional and accountable government that serves the needs of the people.

This Constitution serves as a foundation for the metaverse, a place where all individuals can thrive and reach their full potential.

Let us work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Thank you.

“the Metaverse Constitution”

by Zen